Calling All Agritech Startups

Do you have the solution that farmers need? Express Your Interest Here !!

The challenges faced by farmers in Rural Kerala are diverse and multifaceted. These problem statements serve as crucial guideposts for startups looking to make a meaningful impact in the agricultural sector.

Kerala Startup Mission seeks startups that make an impact in the following areas

Mitigating crop damage caused by wild animals and bird attacks to ensure agricultural sustainability.

Addressing the challenge of pest infestations to safeguard crop yields and farmer livelihoods.

Improving access to irrigation facilities and tackling water scarcity to enhance agricultural productivity.

Reducing the financial burden of expensive agricultural machinery to promote modern farming practices.

Lowering production costs and mitigating competition to support the growth of organic farming.

Providing manufacturing and distribution of quality bio-inputs, such as biopesticides and biofertilizers, to promote sustainable agriculture practices in regions where these products are scarce.

Establishing mechanisms for fair pricing and price stabilization.

Streamlining logistics and improving handling facilities for agricultural products, especially in areas where transportation infrastructure is lacking.

Tackling labor shortages and reducing labor costs in agriculture, such as developing automation technologies or creating platforms for labor exchange and training.

Developing technologies for affordable and convenient soil testing, along with solutions that analyze soil health data and provide expert recommendations for fertilizer and input application rates.

Implementing efficient farm waste management strategies to minimize environmental impact and maximize resource utilization.

Any other solutions that helps the farmers.

This call for interest aims to understand interest from startups and following the submission of EOI, Kerala Startup Mission (KSUM) will facilitate meetings between farmers and startups to explore potential partnerships. In response to the above outlined challenges, startups are invited to express their interest in collaboration.